Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Everything starts with you!

You must take action, you must take initiative, you must make a commitment to take control and do a lot of something.  Building a business, building a team, building an empire is all about action and it starts with you! 

You must make a decision about what you want and you must make a decision about how you are going to get what you want and take the appropriate action.  You won't get much by staying home on the couch in front of your television set.  You probably also won't get much by simply logging on to Facebook each day and taking a look at what others are up to.  You must be out exposing others about you, what you do, about your product, your service your opportunities.  Literally, not a day should go by that you aren't talking to someone new or communicating and connecting in some form or fashion to and/or with someone new - that is if you are serious about building a lucrative business and becoming financially free.
  • You must be accountable. 
  • You must set goals and achieve the goals that are being set. 
  • You must be active! 
The only way that your business will grow is if you take responsibility for your business and for the growth of your business.  There is no room for finger pointing and there is no room to blame others for your failures and for your lack of growth, lack of sales, lack of profits, or whatever the case may be.  In your business, it all starts and ends with YOU.   Your business will only amount to what you put into it and to what you make of it.  Be accountable and take action.  Stay in a constant state of action to increase your profit potential!

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