Friday, October 8, 2010

Attraction Networking for Profits

In order to generate business, prospects, and opportunities you need to be where the people are right?  You need to socialize.  You need to network.  Of course!  Well you have been doing just this, but you still aren't generating any business, still haven't gained any new prospects, and still haven't generated any new opportunities.  So what's the problem?  Hhmmmm, could there be the slight possibility that you are tooting your own horn a bit too loudly?  Could you be going a bit over board with the self promotion?

This is a common mistake that many people make and so you are not alone if you are in fact guilty of this.  The key in socializing for business is to take a step back and avoid going in heavy with promoting yourself and your opportunity.  Put your business on the back burner for a moment and be yourself - your genuine self!  Let other people make the introduction for you on occasion.  Let others do the horn tooting.  Let others ask the questions for a change.

The key is to become a familiar face and recognized voice.  Sometimes it is better to be seen and not heard (initially) and when you are looking good and confident, it makes you that much more intriguing!  It makes people "want to know."  Learn to go with the flow of the conversations around you.  Be an active listener!  People are nosy by nature!  The common first question when networking and socializing in general typically is "sooo, what do you do?" This question then opens the floor for you to make a brief introduction about yourself and possibly your business and/or opportunity.  If the listener is interested, they will want to know more!  Them wanting to know more then opens the door for you to indulge more.

It is a much more enjoyable experience when your potential customers and prospects are coming to you, as opposed to you chasing after them!  Don't be the desperate, over-exaggerated and animated obnoxious person at the Happy Hour or Chamber Event.  Relax and attract.  It's all about the law of attraction - it works!  The more people that you attract, the greater your profit potential becomes!

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