Friday, October 15, 2010

Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow - Yay or Nay!

How does one decide what industry to position oneself in when becoming a business owner/entrepreneur?  Is it done for passion, ease and convenience, for the money or for a combination of reasons? 

You've heard the expression, "Do what you love and the money will follow."  But for many people, it takes years upon years of "finding oneself" and career hopping and opportunity hopping before settling on one thing and so how much validity could this saying hold in today's world of opportunities and opportunists?  A majority of the people that I know are doing what they are doing because it pays the bills and not because they love it at all!  If they had their choice, they'd be doing something completely different.  Key word in the former sentence is choice!  I've posted all week about your action and your accountability.  Likewise, if you are not doing what you love and getting paid for it, the odds are that you have something to do with that fact.  If you are not working on a plan to eventually be doing what you love in efforts of eventually getting paid for it, the odds are that you have something to do with that fact also.

I do believe that people should do what they are passionate about and that they can get paid for doing what they love IF and only IF they are dedicated to putting in the hard work, commitment, dedication and effort that will be required to reap the financial rewards!  I like to put it this way; you should definitely have a passion about your business, but you must always remember that when you convert your passion into a business idea, it must be approached in a strategic and business minded fashion!  Your passionate idea must be an economically feasible one, as well as a realistic one!  Passion alone will not guarantee financial success!  Understand the distinction and realize your profit potential in the process!

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