Monday, September 27, 2010

MLM Get Big-Profit-Quick-Fix: NOT! Expect the Unexpected

If you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth or you hit the mega lottery then you perhaps have truly received your Get Rich Quick Fix!  I will candidly say that if there is anyone in this world that claims that you can get rich over night in the MLM business they are a liar (for the most part).   Multi Level Marketing is an opportunity.  It is a legitimate business opportunity that if done strategically and consistently, can amount to great financial returns, just as any other business opportunity. 

If you are reading this article you are probably either involved in a MLM business,  thinking about getting involved with a MLM business or you have recently become part of a MLM business.  Below are my top five lists of things that you should expect from MLM and my top five lists of things that you should not expect from MLM:


1.       To have to work.  Where there is no work there is no reward!  This is especially true when first starting out in the business.  You will definitely have to do considerable amounts of work to make things happen.  Should you become one of the highly successful few that grown their teams to insurmountable numbers, you will obviously be able to work less.  But for the most part, expect to work!

2.       To have to learn.  As with anything new, there will always be a learning curve.  You should expect to have to learn about your industry and become well versed on your industry.  How else to do you expect to be able to sell others on your opportunity.  If you aren’t interested in learning something new and continuously learning, run!

3.       To have to teach.  Don’t have the patience to teach others or don’t have an interest in teaching.  Don’t expect to be a success.  This industry relies heavily on duplication.  Therefore, you can expect to teach those underneath you (your down-line) what you were taught by your upline!

4.       To have to sale.  If you are one of the many people that are kicking around the “MLM is not sales line” think again.  While you don’t have to admit that MLM is sales, you better know that it is.  If you are telling people why your opportunity or product is the greatest thing since pink lemonade and why they have to buy one, or join you….uhhh….you are selling!  Call it what you want but realize that you will have to put on your salesman or saleswoman hat.

5.       To have to grow.  If you expect to make money in MLM I hope you have a plan for increasing your team from one (one being you and only you) to many.  If you work best independently and not as part of a team, wrong business!  You should get out now before the heartache finds you.  This business is heavily team driven.  You can be the top seller in your region of juices and vitamins, but if you are doing it alone, you are spinning your wheels to a degree.  Imagine what you would have accomplished financially if you were the top seller and were growing your team of top producers along the way.  There is no comparison to what you can accomplish as an individual to that of what you can accomplish with a team.


1.       To not have to have a plan.  Just as with any other business, you will need to have a business plan.  As the saying goes “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  Period.

2.       To make a ton of money your first week, month or year.  If you are an above average master mind, then it is ok to expect these things.  However, if you are an average Joe like most, don’t expect to see instant cash flow.

3.       To give your employer 2-week notice upon signing your name on your MLM agreement.  You don’t want to put the cart before the horse.  While MLM is an opportunity, it is not an opportunity for an immediate and regular pay check.  You need to maintain a source of income to support yourself while building your MLM business.

4.       For everyone to say yes.  If you don’t take rejection well, you better get used to it.  Not everyone will want what you have and often times it will seem that hardly anyone wants what you have.  Get used to it. 

5.       Not to have to spend money. As the saying goes, “it takes money to make money.”  If your MLM is product based, you may have to spend money on products on a regular basis (depending upon the company).  Some companies have monthly minimums.  But more importantly, you will more than likely want and need to spend money on marketing and advertising at some point.  Most MLM businesses also have some type of upfront free for becoming part of the organization as well as monthly fees for things such as personal websites, training courses and seminars.  Don’t expect to get something for nothing.

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