Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Assets Worth More Than Money!

You are probably asking yourself, what on earth could I possibly be referring to?  What could possibly be worth more than the almighty dollar?  Could it be gold or silver?  Want to keep guessing?  Three Assets Worth More than Money and Why:

  1. Knowledge:  I could give you $5 million today to do with it as you wish.  If you aren't a very smart person, what are the odds that you would have more than $5million in your bank account 6 months from now?  A person with a lot of money and zero knowledge will quickly equal a broke fool!  Think about some of the famous athletes, actresses and musicians who went from having it all to practical homelessness.  No need for me to site names.  A person with knowledge will take that $5 million and turn it into $10 million dollars plus.  Simply from seeking additional knowledge and making smart, informed decisions before spending a dime!
  2. Motivation:  If someone lacks the motivation to actually make things happen, their future probably isn't very promising is it?  Let's use the same example from above.  Say you have got $5million in the bank but have zero motivation to do anything other than spend money? What are the odds that you will be able to keep money?  Slim to none right.  You might even have the money today to hire people to do all of the things that you have been told that need to be done to make things happen, but if you lack the self motivation to validate that what you've been told is true and to jump in and become involved to ensure that things are truly on track, the odds are that you'll probably end up being yet another riches to rags statistic.  A motivated person is typically great at making more money than they have today while an unmotivated person is a prime candidate for having a million in the bank today and a negative balance tomorrow!
  3. Faith: If you are lacking in your faith this presents an all together different set of problems than knowledge and motivation.  If someone doesn't have faith in themselves, in their partner, in their business, in their products, in their services, or in the case of a believer like me, in God the future will probably not look to bright.  A person with no faith is an empty and typically confused person for the most part.  To put it into another perspective, if you have faith in something, you typically have a strong conviction and belief in what you are doing.  If you lack faith in the $5 million dollar investment that you are contemplating making, the odds are that you probably shouldn't be making that investment and you shouldn't have any real expectations of a return off of that investment.  If you are without faith, it will be extremely hard to move forward and make smart business, financial and life decisions.

You have got to have knowledge, motivation and faith.  These three elements are powerful and worth so much more than a dollar today. As the late Jim Rohn once said "the real value of building a million dollar business is NOT the million dollars.  It’s the learning and knowledge we acquire earning that fortune.  Take a million away from a millionaire, who made that money themselves, and they can make another million."

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