Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Don't Get Around to It…Just do It…or Not!

How many times do you find yourself saying things such as the following?
  1. I'm getting there
  2. I'm going to do it
  3. I'm going to get to it
  4. Remind me to do that later
  5. I will, as soon as I get paid
  6. I will, as soon as I find some time
  7. I will, as soon as I save up the money
  8. I will, as soon as I put the kids to sleep
Do these phrases sound familiar to you?  These are phrases that you should make a conscious effort to get rid of, or quite frankly, you will miss out! 

When it comes to business, these lines simply don't work!  When it comes to customer service, what customer will think that it is acceptable for you to constantly be working on it, or getting to it as opposed to having it?  When it comes to a partnership, what motivated business partner is going to think that it is acceptable for you to constantly need to be given reminders to do your work as opposed to having your work done?  The above 8 lines impact your credibility and each time that you say one of these lines to the same individual especially, your seriousness meter is being chipped away at.  People do remember and they are counting, especially when they care!

When it comes to business, if you don't have plans on ever doing something or if quite frankly you are not interested in doing something, than say it!  People will respect you for giving a flat out NO as opposed to giving the run around.  When you give rationale as to why you haven't started something or why you haven't completed something, the only thing that people will remember is that you failed to come through or stick to your word.

Don't be a "Gonna Doer" just simply get to it and be a "Doer" or learn to give people a respectful and professional NO!

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