Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Does an Education Equal These Days?

While attending a training seminar earlier this month in San Diego, one of the speakers said something that spoke volumes!  Something that many people often fail to realize!  I cannot recall his name off hand right now, but his quote went something like this…"education equals education…education does not equal income."

These words rang significant to me because over the past few months I cannot count how many individuals I have spoken to, who have lost their jobs, some who remain unemployed and are returning to college or attending for the first time in hopes of finding a higher paid and more stable job in the future.  This made me think….but I didn't want to discourage any of these individuals from furthering their education as I am a firm believer and supporter of higher education and continuous learning.  At any rate, the question that pops into my head is, after you get the education, what's next?  After you walk across the stage and receive that diploma, what's next? 

Education  equals education, period!  Education doesn't come with guarantees, though it does come with many statistics and possibilities.  Education does not equal Income which is what many people fail to realize!  If you are going to school to make more money, I challenge you to research the percentage of college graduates who remain unemployed and/or are working at places such as Starbucks in this economy!

My point is this, if you want to further your education, that is great - I encourage that BUT don't go through life putting your destiny in the hands of someone else's business (your employer) when you could be building your own business and legacy!  There is nothing wrong with working for someone else as long as your remember that nothing lasts forever.  While you may be employed and making a great salary today, there are no guarantees for that salary tomorrow.  Start working on a B Plan, C Plan and even a D, E and F Plan!  Not sure about how to get started?  Ask me how today!

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